
  • 電子書籍
  • Reader


  • ISBN:9784007701580

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イソップさん┴いそっぷ詩うた┴わしと からす┴ねこと にわとり┴きつねと ぶどう┴きつねと きこり┴はらぺこぎつね┴かえると おうさま┴きたかぜと たいよう┴ねこと めがみ┴さると らくだ┴こやぎと おおかみ┴きと かみさま┴まぐろと いるか┴いちじくと ことり┴いぬと かわ┴いぬと うさぎ┴おおかみと ばあさん┴あり┴はえ┴ろばのたいこ┴うさぎと かめ┴かめと わし┴ひばり┴かと ライオン┴きつねと りゅう┴くじゃくと つる┴おとこと き┴もみのきと きいちご┴かにのおやこ┴へびのしっぽ┴ひとまねとんび┴あとがき┴〔英語訳〕┴AESOP SONGS┴Aesop-san┴The Eagle and the Crow┴The Cat and the Chicken┴The Fox and the Grapes┴The Fox and the Logger┴The Famished Fox┴The Frogs and the King┴The North Wind and the Sun┴The Cat and Goddess┴The Monkey and the Camel┴The Kid and the Wolf┴The Tree and a God┴The Tuna and the Dolphin┴The Fig and the Bird┴The Dog and the River┴The Dog and the Hare┴The Wolf and the Old Woman┴The Ant┴The Fly┴The Drum Made of a Donkey┴The Hare and the Tortoise┴The Tortoise and the Eagle┴The Lark┴The Mosquito and the Lion┴The Fox and the Dragon┴The Peacock and the Crane┴The Man and the Tree┴The Fir and the Raspberry┴The Mother-and Son-Crabs┴The Snake-tail┴The Copying Kite



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