Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory


Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 376 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781478006466
  • DDC分類 300.1

Full Description

In Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory Patricia Hill Collins offers a set of analytical tools for those wishing to develop intersectionality's capability to theorize social inequality in ways that would facilitate social change. While intersectionality helps shed light on contemporary social issues, Collins notes that it has yet to reach its full potential as a critical social theory. She contends that for intersectionality to fully realize its power, its practitioners must critically reflect on its assumptions, epistemologies, and methods. She places intersectionality in dialog with several theoretical traditions—from the Frankfurt school to black feminist thought—to sharpen its definition and foreground its singular critical purchase, thereby providing a capacious interrogation into intersectionality's potential to reshape the world.


Acknowledgments  ix
Introduction  1
Part I. Framing the Issues: Intersectionality and Critical Social Theory
1. Intersectionality as Critical Inquiry  21
2. What's Critical about Critical Social Theory?  54
Part II. How Power Matters: Intersectionality and Intellectual Resistance
3. Intersectionality and Resistant Knowledge Projects  87
4. Intersectionality and Epistemic Resistance  121
Part III. Theorizing Intersectionality: Social Action as a Way of Knowing
5. Intersectionality, Experience, and Community  157
6. Intersectionality and the Question of Freedom  189
Part IV. Sharpening Intersectionality's Critical Edge
7. Relationality within Intersectionality  225
8. Intersectionality without Social Justice?  253
Epilogue. Intersectionality and Social Change  286
Appendix  291
Notes  295
References  331
Notes  353
