Oxford Applied Linguistics Cognitive Approach to Language Learning, a

Oxford Applied Linguistics Cognitive Approach to Language Learning, a

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780194372176

Full Description

This book has two major themesand cognitive aspects of language learning, and secondly, it looks at the contrast between universalist accounts of language learning and accounts which focus on individual differences between learners. Interwoven throughout is a focus on practical applications of these themes in task-based learning and language testing.Winner MLA Kenneth W Mildenberger Prize


Acknowledgements ; Preface ; Introduction ; 1. Comprehension and production strategies in language learning ; 2. The role of memory and lexical learning ; 3. Psycholinguistic processes in language use and language learning ; 4. Models of language learning ; 5. A rationale for task-based instruction ; 6. Implementing task-based instruction ; 7. Processing perspectives on testing ; 8. Research into language aptitude ; 9. Issues in aptitude theory: exceptional learners and modularity ; 10. Learning style ; 11. Learners, learning, and pedagogy ; 12. Conclusions ; Bibliography ; Index