GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I [Third Editi

  • 電子書籍
  • Reader

GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I [Third Editi

  • ISBN:9784789017305

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Get ready for the latest GENKI!

GENKI, one of the worlds favorite elementary Japanese textbook series, has become even better with the arrival of its third edition!

Enhancements include...
●Dialogues and vocabulary: Updated to reflect todays world
●Grammar explanations: Now even easier to follow
●Practices: Reorganized to further clarify their relationship with grammar points
●Can-do goals: Added to the start of each lesson
●“Lets Find Out: Investigative tasks have been added
●New app: Learners can use their smartphone to download and listen to audio materials

●「Lets Find Out」で調べるタスクを導入


Contents: GENKI Vol.1

Conversation and Grammar
Lesson 1 あたらしいともだち(New Friends)
Lesson 2 かいもの (Shopping)
Lesson 3 デートの約束 (Making a Date)
Lesson 4 初めてのデート (The First Date)
Lesson 5 沖縄旅行 (A Trip to Okinawa)
Lesson 6 ロバートさんの一日 (A Day in Robert’s Life)
Lesson 7 家族の写真 (Family Picture)
Lesson 8 バーベキュー (Barbecue)
Lesson 9 かぶき (Kabuki)
Lesson 10 冬休みの予定 (Winter Vacations Plans)
Lesson 11 休みのあと (After the Vacation)
Lesson 12 病気 (Feeling ill)

Reading and Writing
Lesson 1 ひらがな (Hiragana)
Lesson 2 カタカナ (Katakana)
Lesson 3 まいにちのせいかつ (Daily Life)
Lesson 4 メアリ-さんのしゅうまつ (Marys Weekend)
Lesson 5 りょこう (Travel)
Lesson 6 私のすきなレストラン (My Favorite Restaurant)
Lesson 7 メアリーさんのてがみ (Marys Letter)
Lesson 8 日本の会社員 (Japanese Office Workers)
Lesson 9 ソラさんの日記 (Soras Diary)
Lesson 10 昔話「かさじぞう」 (The Folktale Kasajizo)
Lesson 11 友だち・メンバー募集 (Looking for Friends/Members)
Lesson 12 七夕 (Tamabata Festival)