言語カテゴリー化:1987ミルウォーキー会議議事録<br>Linguistic Categorization : Proceedings of an International Symposium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 10–11, 1987 (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory)


Linguistic Categorization : Proceedings of an International Symposium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 10–11, 1987 (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 356 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9789027235589
  • DDC分類 401.43

Full Description

This volume contains a selection of the papers presented at the 16th International Symposium at the University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee. Two central question were addressed: What is the nature of the categories that underlie the structure of human language? What is the nature of extralinguistic categories that are reflected in language? These questions are addressed from the perspective of a variety of disciplines, using many different methodologies and focusing on many different aspects of language including morphology, syntax, semantics, phonology and discourse. The volume is divided into 3 sections: prototype effects in language, categorization processes, and cross-linguistic categorization.


1. Preface; 2. Introduction: Linguistic and non-linguistic categorization: Structure and process (by Corrigan, Roberta); 3. I. Prototype effects in language; 4. A lexical model of color space (by Archibald, John); 5. Preliminaries to a theory of phonological substance: The substance of sonority (by Nathan, Geoffrey S.); 6. Categorizing phonological segments: The inadequacy of the sonority hierarchy (by Malsch, Derry L.); 7. Experimental evidence for syllable-internal structure (by Dow, M.); 8. Phonological categories and constituents (by Iverson, Gregory); 9. Are thematic relations discrete? (by Rozwadowska, Bozena); 10. Category restrictions in markedness relations (by Gundel, Jeanette K.); 11. The acquisition of the past participle: Discourse-based vs form-based categories (by Moder, Carol Lynn); 12. II. Categorization processes; 13. Category learning in a connectionist model: Learning to decline the German definite article (by Taraban, R.); 14. Competition and lexical categorization (by MacWhinney, Brian); 15. III. Cross-linguistic categorization; 16. A discourse approach to the cross-linguistic category 'Adjective' (by Thompson, S.); 17. Pronominality: A noun-pronoun continuum (by Sugamoto, Nobuko); 18. On Humboldt on the Dual (by Plank, Frans); 19. Index of names; 20. Language Index; 21. Subject Index
