Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, PLILP '91 : 3rd International Symposium, Passau, Germany, August 26-28, 1991. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.528) (1991. XI, 433 p. 24 cm)


Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, PLILP '91 : 3rd International Symposium, Passau, Germany, August 26-28, 1991. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.528) (1991. XI, 433 p. 24 cm)

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Full Description

This volume contains the papers which have been accepted for
presentation atthe Third International Symposium on
Programming Language Implementation andLogic Programming
(PLILP '91) held in Passau, Germany, August 26-28, 1991. The
aim of the symposium was to explore new declarative
concepts, methods and techniques relevant for the
implementation of all kinds of programming languages,
whether algorithmic or declarative ones. The intention was
to gather researchers from the fields of algorithmic
programming languages as well as logic, functional and
object-oriented programming. This volume contains the two
invited talks given at the symposium by H. Ait-Kaci and
D.B. MacQueen, 32 selected papers, and abstracts of several
system demonstrations. The proceedings of PLILP '88 and
PLILP '90 are available as Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volumes 348 and 456.


Standard ML of New Jersey.- Adding equations to NU-Prolog.- Extraction of functional from logic program.- The MAS specification component.- Domesticating imperative constructs so that they can live in a functional world.- Logic-based specification of visibility rules.- Optimal instruction scheduling using constraint logic programming.- An architectural model for OR-parallellism on distributed memory systems.- FRATS: A parallel reduction strategy for shared memory.- Narrowing as an incremental constraint satisfaction algorithm.- The implementation of lazy narrowing.- Semantics-directed generation of a Prolog compiler.- A framework to specify database update views for Prolog.- Concepts for a modular and distributed Prolog language.- From parlog to polka in two easy steps.- Precedences in specifications and implementations of programming languages.- A randomized heuristic approach to register allocation.- Generating efficient code from data-flow programs.- On the borderline between grammars and programs.- Efficient incremental evaluation of higher order attribute grammars.- Profit: A system integrating logic programming and attribute grammars.- Towards a meaning of LIFE.- U-log, an ordered sorted logic with typed attributes.- Compilation of predicate abstractions in higher-order logic programming.- Abstract interpretation: A kind of magic.- Abstract interpretation for type checking.- A technique for recursive invariance detection and selective program specialization.- Dynamic detection of determinism in functional logic languages.- Unfolding — definition — folding, in this order, for avoiding unnecessary variables in logic programs.- Efficient integration of simplification into Prolog.- Lazy evaluation in logic.- S-SLD-resolution — An operational semantics for logicprograms with external procedures.- Operational semantics of constraint logic programming over finite domains.- Constraints for synchronizing coarse-grained sequential logic processes.- Extending execution trees for debugging and animation in logic programming.- A narrowing-based theorem prover.- The ALF system.- Experiences with gentle: Efficient compiler construction based on logic programming.- The system FLR ( Fast laboratory for recomposition ).- Multilanguage interoperability.- Short overview of the CLPS system.