Advances in Multimodal Interfaces -- Icmi 2000 : Third International Conference, Beijing, China, October 14-16, 2000 : Proceedings


Advances in Multimodal Interfaces -- Icmi 2000 : Third International Conference, Beijing, China, October 14-16, 2000 : Proceedings

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 678 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9783540411802
  • DDC分類 004.019


Subseries: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.

Full Description

Multimodal Interfaces represents an emerging interdisciplinary research direction and has become one of the frontiers in Computer Science. Multimodal interfaces aim at efficient, convenient and natural interaction and communication between computers (in their broadest sense) and human users. They will ultimately enable users to interact with computers using their everyday skills. These proceedings include the papers accepted for presentation at the Third International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2000) held in Beijing, China on 1416 O ctober 2000. The papers were selected from 172 contributions submitted worldwide. Each paper was allocated for review to three members of the Program Committee, which consisted of more than 40 leading researchers in the field. Final decisions of 38 oral papers and 48 poster papers were made based on the reviewers' comments and the desire for a balance of topics. The decision to have a single track conference led to a competitive selection process and it is very likely that some good submissions are not included in this volume. The papers collected here cover a wide range of topics such as affective and perceptual computing, interfaces for wearable and mobile computing, gestures and sign languages, face and facial expression analysis, multilingual interfaces, virtual and augmented reality, speech and handwriting, multimodal integration and application systems. They represent some of the latest progress in multimodal interfaces research.


Affective and Perceptual Computing.- Gesture Recognition.- Face and Facial Expression Detection, Recognition and Synthesis.- Multilingual Interfaces and Natural Language Understanding.- Speech Processing and Speaker Detection.- Object Motion, Tracking and Recognition.- Handwriting Recognition.- Input Devices and Its Usability.- Virtual and Augmented Reality.- Multimodal Interfaces for Wearable and Mobile Computing.- Sign Languages and Multimodal Navigation for the Disabled.- Multimodal Integration and Application Systems.
