21st-century Jewellery Designers: an Inspired Style -- Hardback


21st-century Jewellery Designers: an Inspired Style -- Hardback

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 358 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781851497294
  • DDC分類 739

Full Description

21st-Century Jewelery Designersof the contemporary jewelery that's being designed and created across the world today. From the great JAR, to James de Givenchy and Nicholas Varney in the West, and Michelle Ong, Wallace Chan and Bhagat in the East, 21st-Century Jewelery Designers: An Inspired Style is an exploration into the designers' worlds, helping the reader to discover the jewels that great jewelery artists are creating now. Interviews with each designer featured reveal their inspirations and passions, their favorite materials, designing processes, and how their personalities influence their designs.Designers include: JAR (France); Kaoru Kay Akihara (Japan); Walid Akkad (Lebanon/France); Lorenz Baumer (France); Bhagat (India); Sevan BicakA i (Turkey); Luz Camino (Spain); Wallace Chan (China); Edmond Chin for Etcetera (China); Lydia Courteille (France); Michele della Valle (Italy/Switzerland); Patrice Fabre (France); James de Givenchy for Taffin (USA); Vincente Gracia (Spain); Hemmerle (Germany); Anna Hu (USA/Taiwan); Michelle Ong for Carnet (China); Suzanne Syz (Switzerland); Nicholas Varney (USA); Stephen Webster (UK); Dickson Yewn for Yewn Heritage (China); Rami Abboud (Lebanon); Tomasz Donocik (UK); LaMouche (China/France); 10 Royale (France).