AI起業戦略<br>AI Startup Strategy : A Blueprint to Building Successful Artificial Intelligence Products from Inception to Exit (1st)

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AI Startup Strategy : A Blueprint to Building Successful Artificial Intelligence Products from Inception to Exit (1st)

  • ウェブストア価格 ¥9,299(本体¥8,454)
  • APress(2023/10発売)
  • 外貨定価 US$ 49.99
  • クリスマスポイント2倍キャンペーン(12/25まで)
  • ポイント 168pt
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  • ウェブストア価格 ¥12,001(本体¥10,910)
  • APress(2023/10発売)
  • 外貨定価 UK£ 44.99
  • クリスマスポイント2倍キャンペーン(12/25まで)
  • ポイント 218pt
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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781484295014

Full Description

Gain exclusive access to the secrets to building an enterprise AI start-up. AI innovation helps with every aspect of the business, from the supply chain, marketing, and advertising, customer service, risk management, operations to security. Industries from different verticals have been adopting AI and get real business values out of it.  
This book guides you through each step, from defining the business need and business model, all the way to registering IP and calculating your AI start-up valuation. You see how to perform market and technology validation, perform lean AI R&D, design AI architecture, AI product development and operationalization. The book also cover building and managing an AI team, along with attracting and keeping business and developer users,
Building an Enterprise AI start-up is hard because Enterprise AI is an effort to build applications to mimic human intelligence to solve business problems. Hence it has a different challenge from building traditional non-AI applications, such as scouting, recruiting and managing AI talents; designing the most cost-efficient and scalable Enterprise AI; or establishing the best practice to operationalize AI in production
As we are in the dawn of the AI-first product wave, AI-powered products for enterprises will be created for many years to come and AI Startup Strategy is the one-stop guide for it.

What You'll Learn

Match customer's expectation VS technical feasibility
Justify business values and ROI for customers
Review the best business models for high valuation enterprise AI start-ups
Design an AI product that gives a satisfactory experience for the user

Register and value AI IP 

Who This Book is For 
Startup Founders, Product Managers, Software Architects/Lead Engineers, Executives


Chapter 1: Fundamentals of AI Startup.- Chapter 2: AI Startup Landscape.- Chapter 3: Product Market Validation for AI-First SaaS .- Chapter 4: Product Market Validation for AI as a Service (AlaaS).- Chapter 5: AI Product Strategy.- Chapter 6:  Human-Centered AI-Experience Design.- Chapter 7: Human-Centered AI Developer Experience Design.- Chapter 8:  Building AI Platform.- Chapter 9: Go-To-Market Strategy for AI Startup.- Chapter 10:  AI Startup Exit Strategy.