Selected Papers of Freeman Dyson with Commentary (Collected Works)

Selected Papers of Freeman Dyson with Commentary (Collected Works)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 601 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780821805619
  • DDC分類 510


From the Foreword by Elliott Lieb: 'The writings of Freeman Dyson are among the jewels that crown the subject of theoretical physics and today even the earliest among them can be read with profit and much pleasure by beginners and experts.'

Full Description

This book offers a unique compilation of papers in mathematics and physics from Freeman Dyson's 50 years of activity and research. These are the papers that Dyson considers most worthy of preserving, and many of them are classics. The papers are accompanied by commentary explaining the context from which they originated and the subsequent history of the problems that either were solved or left unsolved. This collection offers a connected narrative of the developments in mathematics and physics in which the author was involved, beginning with his professional life as a student of G. H. Hardy.


Foreword by E. Lieb Preface and Commentary Some guesses in the theory of partitions A theorem on the densities of sets of integers The approximation to algebraic numbers by rationals On the product of four non-homogeneous linear forms A new symmetry of partitions Mappings and symmetries of partitions Fourier transforms of distribution functions The rate of growth of functions defined by Dirichlet series Quaternion determinants A theorem in algebraic topology Continuous functions defined on spheres Missed opportunities A walk through Ramanujan's garden The radiation theories of Tomonaga, Schwinger, and Feynman The $S$ matrix in quantum electrodynamics The renormalization method in quantum electrodynamic Divergence of perturbation theory in quantum electrodynamics Connection between local commutativity and regularity of Wightman functions Integral representations of causal commutators The dynamics of a disordered linear chain Electron spin resonance absorption in metals. II. Theory of electron diffusion and the skin effect General theory of spin-wave interactions Thermodynamic behavior of an ideal ferromagnet Ground-state energy of a hard-sphere gas Existence of a phase-transition in a one-dimensional Ising ferromagnet Nonexistence of spontaneous magnetization in a one-dimensional Ising ferromagnet An Ising ferromagnet with discontinuous long-range order Statistical theory of the energy levels of complex systems. I Statistical theory of the energy levels of complex systems. II Statistical theory of the energy levels of complex systems. III A Brownian-motion model for the eigenvalues of a random matrix The threefold way. Algebraic structure of symmetry groups and ensembles in quantum mechanics Correlations between eigenvalues of a random matrix A class of matrix ensembles Stability of matter. I Ground-state energy of a finite system of charged particles Stability of matter. II Seismic response of the earth to a gravitational wave in the 1-Hz band Time variation of the charge of the proton Variation of constants Scattering of mesons by a fixed scatterer Fredholm determinants and inverse scattering problems Time without end: Physics and biology in an open universe Feynman's proof of the Maxwell equations Photon noise and atmospheric noise in active optical systems Search for artificial stellar sources of infrared radiation The search for extraterrestrial technology Can we control the carbon dixoide in the atmosphere? A model for the origin of life Chronological list of papers Acknowledgements.