.NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference, Volume 1 (paperback)

.NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference, Volume 1 (paperback)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 568 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780768682083
  • DDC分類 005.282

Full Description

Edited by a Lead Program Manager on Microsoft's .NET Framework team, .NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference, Volume 1, is the definitive reference for the .NET Framework base class library. This book utilizes extensive annotations and code samples from the creators of the technology to move beyond the online documentation and provide .NET developers with a dictionary-style reference to the most-used parts of the Framework. This volume covers a subset of the ISO CLI Standards, including the Base Class Library and the Extended Numerics Library.

In the printed book you will find informative overviews of each namespace covered and an easy-to-follow alphabetic reference of types in the standard, including type-level descriptions, sample code with output, and annotations from the design team and standardization committee.

With the ECMA and ISO standards as its core, this book includes:

Annotations from key members of the Microsoft design team and the Standardization committee. Comments cover everything from design rationale and history to common problems and shortcomings.
An overview of each namespace, describing its functionality and the inheritance hierarchy of types it defines.
Type descriptions. Each type is covered in its own chapter, with a detailed description of how the type is to be used and a quick reference of the C# declaration syntax for all members defined on the type. Also noted: which members are only available in the Microsoft implementation of the .NET Framework, which are not available in the .NET Compact Framework, and which are only available in V1.1 of the .NET Framework.
Code samples. Types are illustrated by fully compilable code samples with output included.
Reference tabs and an exhaustive index, which allow readers to quickly and easily navigate the text.
Reusable source code for more than one thousand samples. All code has been tested with versions 1.0, 1.1, and the 2.0 technical preview of the .NET Framework, and, where appropriate, with the .NET Compact Framework.


Foreword xiii
Preface xvii

Part I Namespace Overviews 1System 3
System.Collections 11
System.Diagnostics 14
System.Globalization 15
System.IO 17
System.Security 21
System.Text 25
System.Threading 27
Part II Class Libraries 31System.ApplicationException 33
System.ArgumentException 35
System.ArgumentNullException 37
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException 40
System.ArithmeticException 42
System.Array 44
System.Collections.ArrayList 52
System.ArrayTypeMismatchException 57
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding 59
System.AsyncCallback Delegate 61
System.Attribute 63
System.AttributeTargets Enum 68
System.AttributeUsageAttribute 71
System.Boolean Structure 75
System.Byte Structure 77
System.Char Structure 81
System.CharEnumerator 85
System.CLSCompliantAttribute 88
System.Security.CodeAccessPermission 90
System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute 94
System.Collections.Comparer 96
System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute 97
System.Console 100
System.Convert 104
System.DateTime Structure 115
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo 121
System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles Enum 131
System.Decimal Structure 133
System.Text.Decoder 140
System.Delegate 142
System.Collections.DictionaryEntry Structure 146
System.IO.Directory 148
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException 151
System.DivideByZeroException 153
System.Double Structure 155
System.DuplicateWaitObjectException 160
System.Text.Encoder 163
System.Text.Encoding 164
System.IO.EndOfStreamException 170
System.Enum 172
System.Environment 177
System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission 180
System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess Enum 183
System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAttribute 185
System.EventArgs 187
System.EventHandler Delegate 190
System.Exception 192
System.ExecutionEngineException 198
System.IO.File 201
System.IO.FileAccess Enum 204
System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission 206
System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess Enum 211
System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAttribute 213
System.IO.FileLoadException 215
System.IO.FileMode Enum 218
System.IO.FileNotFoundException 220
System.IO.FileShare Enum 223
System.IO.FileStream 225
System.FlagsAttribute 231
System.FormatException 233
System.GC 235
System.Collections.Hashtable 239
System.IAsyncResult Interface 245
System.ICloneable Interface 248
System.Collections.ICollection Interface 251
System.IComparable Interface 254
System.Collections.IComparer Interface 258
System.Collections.IDictionary Interface 260
System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator Interface 262
System.IDisposable Interface 264
System.Collections.IEnumerable Interface 267
System.Collections.IEnumerator Interface 269
System.IFormatProvider Interface 271
System.IFormattable Interface 273
System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider Interface 283
System.Collections.IList Interface 286
System.IndexOutOfRangeException 292
System.Int16 Structure 294
System.Int32 Structure 297
System.Int64 Structure 301
System.Threading.Interlocked 304
System.InvalidCastException 307
System.InvalidOperationException 309
System.InvalidProgramException 311
System.IO.IOException 312
System.Security.IPermission Interface 314
System.MarshalByRefObject 317
System.Math 319
System.IO.MemoryStream 321
System.Threading.Monitor 325
System.NotFiniteNumberException 331
System.NotImplementedException 333
System.NotSupportedException 335
System.NullReferenceException 337
System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo 339
System.Globalization.NumberStyles Enum 343
System.Object 347
System.ObjectDisposedException 350
System.ObsoleteAttribute 352
System.OutOfMemoryException 354
System.OverflowException 356
System.IO.Path 359
System.IO.PathTooLongException 365
System.Security.PermissionSet 367
System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState Enum 373
System.Random 375
System.RankException 378
System.SByte Structure 381
System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction Enum 384
System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAttribute 386
System.Security.SecurityElement 388
System.Security.SecurityException 390
System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission 392
System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute 395
System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag Enum 398
System.IO.SeekOrigin Enum 400
System.Single Structure 402
System.StackOverflowException 406
System.IO.Stream 408
System.IO.StreamReader 414
System.IO.StreamWriter 417
System.String 420
System.Text.StringBuilder 429
System.IO.StringReader 434
System.IO.StringWriter 436
System.Threading.SynchronizationLockException 438
System.SystemException 440
System.IO.TextReader 443
System.IO.TextWriter 445
System.Threading.Thread 448
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException 452
System.Threading.ThreadPriority Enum 454
System.Threading.ThreadStart Delegate 456
System.Threading.ThreadState Enum 458
System.Threading.ThreadStateException 461
System.Threading.Timeout 463
System.Threading.Timer 465
System.Threading.TimerCallback Delegate 468
System.TimeSpan Structure 470
System.Type 474
System.TypeInitializationException 484
System.UInt16 Structure 487
System.UInt32 Structure 490
System.UInt64 Structure 493
System.UnauthorizedAccessException 496
System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory Enum 498
System.Text.UnicodeEncoding 500
System.Text.UTF8Encoding 503
System.ValueType 507
System.Security.VerificationException 510
System.Version 512
System.Threading.WaitHandle 515
Annotations Index 519
Index 521