Hans in Luck 【English/Japanese versions】

  • 電子書籍
  • ポイントキャンペーン

Hans in Luck 【English/Japanese versions】

  • 著者名:YellowBirdProject/GrimesFairy tales/Akamitsuki
  • 価格 ¥220(本体¥200)
  • YellowBirdProject(2020/07発売)
  • 立春までもう少し!Kinoppy 電子書籍・電子洋書 全点ポイント30倍キャンペーン(~1/26)
  • ポイント 60pt (実際に付与されるポイントはご注文内容確認画面でご確認下さい)

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Hans had been working at a rich man’s house since he was still very young. One day he had decided to leave the work and go back to his home where his mother lived. Hans received a big block of gold as his pay.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 102)



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