Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing : 7th International Conference, ICA3PP 2007, Hangzhou, China, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 〈Vol. 4494〉


Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing : 7th International Conference, ICA3PP 2007, Hangzhou, China, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 〈Vol. 4494〉

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 508 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9783540729044
  • DDC分類 005

Full Description

Parallel and distributed computing in the 1980s and 1990s had great in?uence onapplication developmentin science, engineering andbusiness computing. The improvements in computation and communication capabilities have enabled the creation of demanding applications in critical domains such as the environment, health, aerospace, and other areas of science and technology. Similarly, new classesofapplicationsareenabledbytheavailabilityofheterogeneouslarge-scale distributed systems which are becoming available nowadays (based on techno- giessuchasgridandpeer-to-peersystems).Parallelcomputingsystemsexploita large diversity of computer architectures, from supercomputers, shared-memory or distributed-memory multi processors, to local networks and clusters of p- sonal computers. With the recent emergence of multi core architectures, parallel computing is now set to achieve "mainstream" status. Approaches that have been advocated by parallelcomputing researchersin the past are now being utilized in a number of software libraries and hardware systems that are available for everyday use. Parallel computing ideas have also come to dominate areas such as multi user gaming (especially in the development of gaming engines based on "cell" arc- tectures) - often ignored by many "serious" researchers in the past, but which now are set to have a growing user base of tens of millions across the world. In recent years, focus has also shifted to support energy e?ciency in com- tation, with some researchers proposing a new metric of performance based on Flops/Watt.


Keynote Speech.- RSM-Based Gossip on P2P Network.- Invited Papers.- AnyServer: Ubiquitous Real-Time Multimedia Communication System.- Performance Analysis of Interconnection Networks Under Bursty and Batch Arrival Traffic.- Protocols for Traffic Safety Using Wireless Sensor Network.- Track 1: Parallel Algorithms.- A Lazy EDF Interrupt Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprocessor in Parallel Computing Environment.- Efficient Representations of Row-Sorted 1-Variant Matrices for Parallel String Applications.- PHC: A Rapid Parallel Hierarchical Cubing Algorithm on High Dimensional OLAP.- A Time and Interaction Model for Open Distributed Timing Computation.- Efficient Linkable Ring Signatures and Threshold Signatures from Linear Feedback Shift Register.- An Implementation of Parallel Eigenvalue Computation Using Dual-Level Hybrid Parallelism.- An Improved Algorithm for Alhusaini's Algorithm in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems.- Track 2: Parallel Architecture.- Fuzzy-Grey Prediction Based Dynamic Failure Detector for Distributed Systems.- A Two-Level Directory Organization Solution for CC-NUMA Systems.- A Framework of Software Component Adaptation.- A Parallel Infrastructure on Dynamic EPIC SMT.- The Thread Migration Mechanism of DSM-PEPE.- EH*RS: A High-Availability Scalable Distributed Data Structure.- Optimizing Stream Organization to Improve the Performance of Scientific Computing Applications on the Stream Processor.- A Parallel Architecture for Motion Estimation and DCT Computation in MPEG-2 Encoder.- EOP: An Efficient Object Placement and Location Algorithm for OBS Cluster.- Track 3: Grid Computing.- Data Interoperation Between ChinaGrid and SRB.- Redundant Parallel File Transfer with Anticipative Recursively-Adjusting Scheme in Data Grids.- A Strategy-ProofCombinatorial Auction-Based Grid Resource Allocation System.- Method for Computational Grids Resources Allocate Based on Auction and Utility Analyses.- Service Dependency Model for Dynamic and Stateful Grid Services.- Automatic Conceptual Indexing of Web Services and Its Application to Service Retrieval.- Design and Implementation of Computational Bioinformatics Grid Services on GT4 Platforms.- On-Demand Capacity Framework.- Track 4: Peer-to-Peer Technologies.- An Interest-Based Intelligent Link Selection Algorithm in Unstructured P2P Environment.- Keyword Search in DHT-Based Peer-to-Peer Networks.- Implementing Digital Right Management in P2P Content Sharing System.- IPBGA: A Hybrid P2P Based Grid Architecture by Using Information Pool Protocol.- Understanding Peer Behavior and Designing Incentive Mechanism in Peer-to-Peer Networks: An Analytical Model Based on Game Theory.- An Efficient Source Peer Selection Algorithm in Hybrid P2P File Sharing Systems.- A New k-Graph Partition Algorithm for Distributed P2P Simulation Systems.- Track 5: Advanced Network Technologies.- A Dominant Input Stream for LUD Incremental Computing on a Contention Network.- A Double-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Parity Declustering Optimization in Networked RAID.- Hybrid Diffusion Schemes for Load Balancing on OTIS-Networks.- A Dynamic Localized Minimum-Energy Agent Tree-Based Data Dissemination Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.- THIN: A New Hierarchical Interconnection Network-on-Chip for SOC.- Architecture of Adaptive Spam Filtering Based on Machine Learning Algorithms.- On the Power-Law of the Internet and the Hierarchy of BGP Convergence.- GDED-X Schemes for Load Balancing on Heterogeneous OTIS-Networks.- Added.- A Generalized Critical Task Anticipation Technique for DAG Scheduling.