Recent Trends in Graph Theory : Proceedings of the First New York City Graph Theory Conference, Held on June 11 - 13, 1970 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 186) (1971)


Recent Trends in Graph Theory : Proceedings of the First New York City Graph Theory Conference, Held on June 11 - 13, 1970 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 186) (1971)

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(Table of content)
The connectivity and line-connectivity of complementary graphs.- Maximal m-gons in 4-regular major maps.- On a theorem of tutte, a 4-color theorem and B-sets.- Derived graphs with derived complements.- Binary relations.- On connected cubic graphs and trivalent trees.- Graphical theorems of the Nordhaus-Gaddum class.- Isometric graphs.- The frequency partition of a graph.- A graph with p points and enough distinct (p-2)-order subgraphs is reconstructible.- On a result of Goethals and Seidel.- Generalized lower bounds for the absolute values of the coefficients of chromatic polynomials.- The least number of edges for graphs having automorphism group of order three.- Connectivity in digraphs.- Antitone fixed point maps.- On small graphs with forced monochromatic triangles.- Latest results on crossing numbers.- Graphs of (0,1)-matrices.- Combinatorial aspects of Gerschgorin's theorem.- On subdominantly bounded graphs - Summary of results.- A class of point partition numbers.- On the lengths of cycles in planar graphs.- Hamiltonian arcs and circuits.- Graph-Valued functions and Hamiltonian graphs.- Generalizations of product isomorphisms.- On the genus of products of graphs.


The connectivity and line-connectivity of complementary graphs.- Maximal m-gons in 4-regular major maps.- On a theorem of tutte, a 4-color theorem and B-sets.- Derived graphs with derived complements.- Binary relations.- On connected cubic graphs and trivalent trees.- Graphical theorems of the Nordhaus-Gaddum class.- Isometric graphs.- The frequency partition of a graph.- A graph with p points and enough distinct (p-2)-order subgraphs is reconstructible.- On a result of Goethals and Seidel.- Generalized lower bounds for the absolute values of the coefficients of chromatic polynomials.- The least number of edges for graphs having automorphism group of order three.- Connectivity in digraphs.- Antitone fixed point maps.- On small graphs with forced monochromatic triangles.- Latest results on crossing numbers.- Graphs of (0,1)-matrices.- Combinatorial aspects of Gerschgorin's theorem.- On subdominantly bounded graphs — Summary of results.- A class of point partition numbers.- On the lengths of cycles in planar graphs.- Hamiltonian arcs and circuits.- Graph-Valued functions and Hamiltonian graphs.- Generalizations of product isomorphisms.- On the genus of products of graphs.