経営・職業倫理百科事典(全2巻)<br>Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics


Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 2250 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9783030227654
  • DDC分類 174.403

Full Description

This encyclopedia, edited by the past editors and founder of the Journal of Business Ethics, is the only reference work dedicated entirely to business and professional ethics. Containing over 2000 entries, this multi-volume, major research reference work provides a broad-based disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to all of the key topics in the field. The encyclopedia draws on three interdisciplinary and over-lapping fields: business ethics, professional ethics and applied ethics although the main focus is on business ethics. The breadth of scope of this work draws upon the expertise of human and social scientists, as well as that of professionals and scientists in varying fields. This work has come to fruition by making use of the expert academic input from the extraordinarily rich population of current and past editorial board members and section editors of and contributors to the Journal of Business Ethics.


1. The history and philosophical foundations of ethics.- 2. The history and contemporary development of the field of business, professional and applied ethics.- 3. The disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to business and professional ethics.- 4. The subject specific topics in business and professional ethics.- 5. National and International laws and mores concerning human beings, human rights, animal rights, environmental protection and the intersection of these topics with business and the professions.- 6. The social, political and economic concerns of business and the human condition.- 7. The relationship between national and global capitalism and human development.- 8. The relationship between wealth and poverty, scarcity and overabundance.- 9. The distribution and retribution of goods among populations.- 10. The legislation and limit of protecting workers' rights, health and well-being.