Biology of Hevea Rubber


Biology of Hevea Rubber

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 240 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781845936662
  • DDC分類 633.895


Provides an in-depth analysis of plant structure and crop physiology, climatic requirements, latex production, genetics and breeding, biotechnology, molecular biology, soil tillage and crop establishment, nutrition, weed control, processing and quality.

Full Description

Rubber is an economically important material that occurs naturally and can be produced synthetically. Many advances have been made in the understanding of the cultivation and biology of the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis, and this book covers the essential elements of rubber breeding and physiology to provide a guide for cultivators and researchers of this vital crop. It provides an in-depth analysis of plant structure and crop physiology, climatic requirements, latex production, genetics and breeding. It also pays particular attention to biotechnology, molecular biology, soil tillage and crop establishment, nutrition, weed control, environmental and biological constraints, ancillary income generation and clean development management.


1: Introduction 2: Genesis and Development 3: Plant Structure and Ecophysiology 4: Latex Production, Diagnosis and Harvest 5: Genetics and Breeding 6: Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 7: Soil Tillage, Crop Establishment and Nutrition 8: Constraints - Environmental and Biological 9: Ancillary Income Generation 10: Hevea and Clean Development Management