オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、太平洋諸国の教育<br>Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific (Education around the World)


Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific (Education around the World)

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Full Description

This book provides an up-to-date and well-grounded analysis of education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, including Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. Leading writers from throughout this region identify contemporary educational challenges, issues, and priorities while drawing upon their own ongoing empirical research. Key themes include the impact of international trends and developments; educational reform and the quality of education; indigenous learning; inclusivity; aid and development co-operation; and the changing role and place of tertiary education. Detailed studies of specific educational systems and developments are considered in the light of broader analyses that run throughout the volume.


Series Editor's Preface, Colin Brock
Foreword, Akanisi Kedrayate
Notes on Contributors
Introduction: Education in Australia, New Zealand and The Pacific: Challenges, Issues and Priorities, Terra Sprague (University of Bristol, UK), Michael Crossley (University of Bristol, UK) and Greg Hancock (Formerly World Bank)
1. Australia: An Overview, Philip McKenzie (Australian Council for Educational Research, Australia) and Paul Weldon (Australian Council for Educational Research, Australia)
2. Australia: Federalism in Australian Education, Anthony Welch (University of Sydney, Australia)
3. Australia: Finance, Quality and Participation in Postsecondary Education, Gerald Burke (Monash University, Australia)
4. Australia: Aboriginal Education, Anthony Welch (University of Sydney, Australia), Patricia Konigsberg (Department of Education and Training, Western Australia), Judith Rochecouste (Monash University, Australia) and Glenys Collard (Mallee Aboriginal Corporation, Australia)
5. New Zealand: The Politics of National Standards in Primary Schools, Gregory Lee (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) and Howard Lee (Massey University, New Zealand)
6. New Zealand: Inclusive Education and Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, Garry Hornby (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
7. New Zealand: Maori Education in Aotearoa, Te Kawehau Hoskins (University of Auckland, New Zealand) and Liz McKinley (University of Auckland, Australia)
8. Aid to Pacific Education: From Projects to SWAps, Hilary Tolley (University of Auckland, New Zealand) and Eve Coxon (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
9. Pacific Island Countries: An Overview, Konai Helu Thaman (University of the South Pacific)
10. Papua New Guinea: Inclusive Education, Guy Le Fanu (Sightsavers, UK) and Kapa Kelep-Malpo (University of Goroka, Papua New Guinea)
11. Fiji: Evolution of Education from Colonial to Modern Times, Akhilanand Sharma (University of the South Pacific, Fiji), Steven Coombs (University of the South Pacific), Subhas Chandra (University of the South Pacific, Fiji) and Manueli Sagaitu (University of the South Pacific, Fiji)
12. Melanesia: An Overview, Salanieta Bakalevu (University of the South Pacific, Fiji), Jeremy Dorovolomo (University of the South Pacific, Fiji) and Alfred Liligeto (University of the South Pacific, Fiji)
13. Polynesia: In Search of Quality Education, Seu'ula Johansson-Fua (University of the South Pacific, Fiji)
14. Micronesia: An Overview of the Federated States of Micronesia, Robert Underwood (University of Guam, Guam), Andreas Robert (College of Micronesia-FSM, Micronesia) and Unaisi Nabobo-Baba (University of Guam, Guam)
15. Pacific Island Countries: Improving Educational Reach with Information and Communications Technology, Govinda Lingam (University of the South Pacific, Fiji), Shikha Raturi (University of the South Pacific, Fiji) and Kisione Finau (University of the South Pacific, Fiji)