モダニズム文学・文化必携<br>A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture)


A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 616 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781405188227
  • DDC分類 808


New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2006. Includes more than 80 contributions from some of the most distinguished modernist scholars on both sides of the Atlantic; features 25 essays on the signal texts of modernist literature, from James Joyce's Ulysses to Zora Neal Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God.

Full Description

The Companion combines a broad grounding in the essential texts and contexts of the modernist movement with the unique insights of scholars whose careers have been devoted to the study of modernism.

An essential resource for students and teachers of modernist literature and culture
Broad in scope and comprehensive in coverage
Includes more than 60 contributions from some of the most distinguished modernist scholars on both sides of the Atlantic
Brings together entries on elements of modernist culture, contemporary intellectual and aesthetic movements, and all the genres of modernist writing and art
Features 25 essays on the signal texts of modernist literature, from James Joyce's Ulysses to Zora Neal Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God
Pays close attention to both British and American modernism


Notes on Contributors xi

Introduction 1
Kevin J. H. Dettmar

Part I Origins, Beginnings, and the New 7

1 Philosophy 9
Jean-Michel Rabaté

2 Religion 19
Pericles Lewis

3 Politics 29
Tyrus Miller

4 The Physical Sciences 39
Michael H. Whitworth

5 The Biological Sciences 50
Angelique Richardson

6 Technology 66
Sara Danius

7 Psychology 79
Perry Meisel

8 Anthropology 92
Patricia Rae

9 Obscenity and Censorship 103
David Bradshaw

10 Language 113
R. M. Berry

11 Geography 123
Nico Israel

12 Publishing 133
Mark S. Morrisson

13 Sex and Sexuality 143
Liesl Olson

Part II Movements 153

14 Literary Symbolism 155
Marshall C. Olds

15 Dada 163
Robert Short

16 Futurism 169
Tyrus Miller

17 Vorticism 176
Alan Munton

18 Imagism 183
Patrick McGuinness

19 Surrealism 189
Mary Ann Caws

20 Expressionism 198
Richard Murphy

21 Literary Impressionism 204
Max Saunders

Part III Modernist Genres and Modern Media 213

22 The Novel 215
Jesse Matz

23 Poetry 227
Adam Parkes

24 Drama 237
Stephen Watt

25 The Visual Arts 244
Richard Weston

26 Film 250
Laura Marcus

27 Music 258
Bernard Gendron

28 Dance 265
Susan Jones

29 Architecture 272
Lee Morrissey

30 Photography 278
Maggie Humm

Part IV Readings 285

31 W. H. Auden: Look, Stranger! 287
Steven Matthews

32 Djuna Barnes: Nightwood 297
Rebecca Loncraine

33 Samuel Beckett: Murphy 306
H. Porter Abbott

34 Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness 314
Brian W. Shaffer

35 T. S. Eliot: The Waste Land 324
David Chinitz

36 William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury 333
Karl F. Zender

37 F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby 342
Ruth Prigozy

38 Ford Madox Ford: The Good Soldier 350
Sara Haslam

39 The Poetry of H. D. 358
Diana Collecott

40 Langston Hughes: Fine Clothes to the Jew 367
Edward Brunner

41 Zora Neale Hurston: Their Eyes Were Watching God 376
Cheryl A. Wall

42 James Joyce: Ulysses 384
Michael Patrick Gillespie

43 D. H. Lawrence: Women in Love 393
Joyce Piell Wexler

44 Wyndham Lewis: Tarr 402
Andrzej Gasiorek

45 Mina Loy: Lunar Baedecker 411
Michael Thurston

46 Marianne Moore: Observations 422
Catherine Paul

47 Ezra Pound: Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 431
Michael Coyle

48 Dorothy Richardson: Pilgrimage 440
Laura Marcus

49 Gertrude Stein: Three Lives 450
Jaime Hovey

50 Wallace Stevens: Harmonium 459
Jonathan Levin

51 Nathanael West: Miss Lonelyhearts 469
Jay Martin

52 William Carlos Williams: Paterson 478
Daniel Morris

53 Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse 486
Pamela L. Caughie

54 Richard Wright: Native Son 499
Bill V. Mullen

55 W. B. Yeats: The Tower (1928) 507
Edward Larrissy

56 Modernist Critical Prose 516
Gary S. Wihl

Part V Other Modernisms 525

57 Modernism and Race 527
Martha Jane Nadell

58 Modernism and Gender 535
Bonnie Kime Scott

59 Modernism Queered 542
Laura Doan and Jane Garrity

60 Postcolonial Modernism 551
Bart Moore-Gilbert

61 Global Modernisms 558
Melba Cuddy-Keane

62 Postmodernism 565
Bran Nicol

Epilogue: Modernism Now 571
Marjorie Perloff

Index 579 
