政治人類学必携<br>ACompanion to the Anthropology of Politics (Blackwell Companions to Anthropology)


ACompanion to the Anthropology of Politics (Blackwell Companions to Anthropology)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 500 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781405161909
  • DDC分類 306.2


New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2004. Explores the key concepts and issues: from AIDS, globalization, displacement, and militarization to identity politics and beyond.

Full Description

This Companion offers an unprecedented overview of anthropology's unique contribution to the study of politics.

Explores the key concepts and issues of our time - from AIDS, globalization, displacement, and militarization, to identity politics and beyond
Each chapter reflects on concepts and issues that have shaped the anthropology of politics and concludes with thoughts on and challenges for the way ahead
Anthropology's distinctive genre, ethnography, lies at the heart of this volume


Synopsis of Contents viii

Preface xv

Notes on Contributors xvi

Introduction 1
Joan Vincent

1 Affective States 4
Ann Laura Stoler

2 After Socialism 21
Katherine Verdery

3 AIDS 37
Brooke Grundfest Schoepf

4 Citizenship 55
Aihwa Ong

5 Cosmopolitanism 69
Ulf Hannerz

6 Development 86
Marc Edelman and Angelique Haugerud

7 Displacement 107
Elizabeth Colson

8 Feminism 121
Malathi de Alwis

9 Gender, Race, and Class 135
Micaela di Leonardo

10 Genetic Citizenship 152
Deborah Heath, Rayna Rapp, and Karen-Sue Taussig

11 The Global City 168
Saskia Sassen

12 Globalization 179
Jonathan Friedman

13 Governing States 198
David Nugent

14 Hegemony 216
Gavin Smith

15 Human Rights 231
Richard Ashby Wilson

16 Identity 248
Arturo Escobar

17 Imagining Nations 267
Akhil Gupta

18 Infrapolitics 282
Steven Gregory

19 ''Mafias'' 303
Jane C. and Peter T. Schneider

20 Militarization 318
Catherine Lutz

21 Neoliberalism 332
John Gledhill

22 Popular Justice 349
Robert Gordon

23 Postcolonialism 367
K. Sivaramakrishnan

24 Power Topographies 383
James Ferguson

25 Race Technologies 400
Thomas Biolsi

26 Sovereignty 418
Caroline Humphrey

27 Transnational Civil Society 437
June Nash

28 Transnationality 448
Nina Glick Schiller

Index 468