European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 31 (Special Issues of the European Review of Social Psychology)


European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 31 (Special Issues of the European Review of Social Psychology)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 272 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781032070537
  • DDC分類 302.05

Full Description

The European Review of Social Psychology (ERSP) is an international open-submission review journal, published under the auspices of the European Association of Social Psychology. It provides an outlet for substantial, theory-based reviews of empirical work addressing the full range of topics covered by the field of social psychology. Potential authorship is international, and papers are edited with the help of a distinguished, international editorial board.

Articles published in ERSP typically review a program of the author's own research, as evidenced by the author's own papers published in leading peer-reviewed journals. The journal welcomes theoretical contributions that are underpinned by a substantial body of empirical research, which locate the research program within a wider body of published research in that area, and provide an integration that is greater than the sum of the published articles. ERSP also publishes conventional reviews and meta-analyses.

All published review articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening and refereeing by the Editors and at least two independent, expert referees.


1. Fitting in: How the intergroup context shapes minority acculturation and achievement 2. It's not just "us" versus "them": Moving beyond binary perspectives on intergroup processes 3. Text-based E-contact: Harnessing cooperative Internet interactions to bridge the social and psychological divide 4. How static facial cues relate to real-world leaders' success: a review and meta-analysis 5. Bystanders' reactions to intimate partner violence: an experimental approach 6. A meta-analytic integration of research on the relationship between right-wing ideological attitudes and aggressive tendencies 7. Social game theory: Preferences, perceptions, and choices 8. Harm inflation: Making sense of concept creep 9. A communal approach to sexual need responsiveness in romantic relationships 10. Ideological differences in attitude and belief similarity: distinguishing perception and reality 11. Changing prejudiced attitudes, promoting egalitarianism, and enhancing diversity through fundamental processes of persuasion
