M.トマセロ『ことばをつくる―言語習得の認知言語学的アプローチ』(原書)<br>Constructing a Language : A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition

Constructing a Language : A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 388 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780674010307
  • DDC分類 401.93


Tomasello offers an extended and detailed exposition of his 'usage-based' theory of language acquisition, which be contrasts to nativist or 'universal grammar' theories such as those of Noam Chomsky and of Steven Pinker.

Full Description

Drawing together a vast body of empirical research in cognitive science, linguistics, and developmental psychology, Michael Tomasello demonstrates that we don't need a self-contained "language instinct" to explain how children learn language. Their linguistic ability is interwoven with other cognitive abilities. Tomasello argues that the essence of language is its symbolic dimension, which rests on the uniquely human ability to comprehend intention. Grammar emerges as the speakers of a language create linguistic constructions out of recurring sequences of symbols, children pick up these patterns in the buzz of words they hear around them. Constructing a Language offers a compellingly argued, psychologically sound new vision for the study of language acquisition.