マルクス主義、モダニティーとポストコロニアル研究<br>Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies (Cultural Margins)


Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies (Cultural Margins)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 304 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780521890595
  • DDC分類 306


What is the relationship between Marxism and postcolonial thought? An international cast of contributors challenge the elision of Marxist thought in the debate on what the term 'postcolonial' actually entails.

Full Description

At a time when even much of the political left seems to believe that transnational capitalism is here to stay, Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies refuses to accept the inevitability of the so-called 'New World Order'. By giving substantial attention to topics such as globalisation, racism, and modernity, it provides a specifically Marxist intervention into postcolonial and cultural studies. An international team of contributors locate a common ground of issues engaging Marxist and postcolonial critics alike. Arguing that Marxism is not the inflexible, monolithic irrelevance some critics assume it to be, this collection aims to open avenues of debate - especially on the crucial concept of 'modernity' - which have been closed off by the widespread neglect of Marxist analysis in postcolonial studies. Politically focused, at times polemical and always provocative, this book is a major contribution to contemporary debates on literary theory, cultural studies, and the definition of postcolonial studies.


Introduction Crystal Bartolovich; Part I. Eurocentrism, 'The West', and the World: 1. The rise of East Asia and the withering away of the interstate system Giovanni Arrighi; 2. The fetish of 'the West' in postcolonial studies Neil Lazarus; 3. The Eurocentric Marx and Engles and other related myths August Nimtz; 4. Karl Marx, Eurocentrism, and the 1857 revolt in British India Pranav Jani; Part II. Locating Modernity: 5. Liberation theory: variations on themes of Marxism and modernity Benita Parry; 6. Misplaced ideas? Locating and dislocating Ireland in colonial and postcolonial studies Joe Cleary; 7. Sex, space and modernity in the work of Rashid Jahan, Angareywali Priya Gopal; 8. Was there a time before race? Capitalist modernity and the origins of racism Helen Scott; Part III. Marxism, Postcolonial Studies and 'Theory': 9. Postcolonialism and the problematic of uneven development E. San Juan; 10. Marxism, postcolonialism and The Eighteenth Brumaire Neil Larsen; 11. Postcolonial studies between the European wars: an intellectual history Timothy Brennan; 12. Adorno, authenticity, critique Keya Ganguly.