アメリカの言語問題:英語のアクセント、イデオロギーと差別(第2版)<br>English with an Accent : Language, Ideology and Discrimination in the United States (2ND)


English with an Accent : Language, Ideology and Discrimination in the United States (2ND)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 360 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415559119
  • DDC分類 306.440973


This revised second edition includes: new chapters dedicated to Latino English and Asian American English; discussion questions, further reading, suggested classroom exercises, and a glossary of key terms.

Full Description

Since its initial publication, English with an Accent has provoked debate and controversy within classrooms through its in-depth scrutiny of American attitudes towards language. Rosina Lippi-Green discusses the ways in which discrimination based on accent functions to support and perpetuate social structures and unequal power relations.

This second edition has been reorganized and revised to include:

new dedicated chapters on Latino English and Asian American English
discussion questions, further reading, and suggested classroom exercises,
updated examples from the classroom, the judicial system, the media, and corporate culture
a discussion of the long-term implications of the Ebonics debate
a brand-new companion website with a glossary of key terms and links to audio, video, and images relevant to the each chapter's content.

English with an Accent is essential reading for students with interests in attitudes and discrimination towards language.


Preface Introduction: Language Ideology or Science Fiction? 1. The Linguistic Facts of Life 2. Language in Motion 3. The Myth of Non-Accent 4. The Standard Language Myth 5. Language Subordination 6. The Educational System: Fixing the Message in Stone 7. Teaching Children How to Discriminate (What We Learn From the Big Bad Wolf) 8. The Information Industry 9. Real People with a Real Language: The Workplace and the Judicial System 10. The Real Trouble with Black English 11. Hillbillies, Hicks & Southern Belles: The Language Rebels 12. Defying Paradise: Hawai'i 13. The Other In The Mirror 14. ¡Ya Basta! 15. The Unassimilable Races: What It Means To Be Asian 16. Case Study: Moral Panic in Oakland 17. Case Study: Linguistic Profiling and Fair Housing 18. Conclusions: Civil (Dis)obedience And The Shadow of Language Glossary Bibliography I Bibliography II