ヒトの神経解剖学<br>Human Neuroanatomy

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Human Neuroanatomy

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 512 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780323997256
  • DDC分類 611.8

Full Description

Human Neuroanatomy is a unique resource that presents the neuroanatomy of the central and peripheral nervous systems. This atlas-style reference features human brain sections with radiological correlations and original illustrations accompanying macroscopic and microscopic photographs. Chapters include a large number of illustrations in the form of photographs, Illustrations, and MR imaging, including a human brain atlas. Boxes within each chapter contain clinical information, with tables of topic summaries. Presented along with clinical approaches and analyses, this is a reference for all neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, medical students, and all students of neuroscience.


1. Development of the nervous system
2. General organization of the nervous system
3. Neurohistology
4. Telencephalon
5. Diencephalon
6. Basal nuclei
7. Limbic system
8. Brainstem
9. Brain vessels and meninges
10. Cerebellum
11. Spinal cord
12. Ascending and descending pathways of the spinal cord
13. Cranial nerves
14. Spinal nerves
15. Autonomic nervous system
16. Visual system
17. Auditory and vestibular systems
18. Chemical sensory systems
19. Somatosensory system
20. Atlas of the human brain