臨床神経学ハンドブック 第188巻:呼吸の神経生物学 第1部<br>Respiratory Neurobiology : Physiology and Clinical Disorders, Part I (Handbook of Clinical Neurology)

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臨床神経学ハンドブック 第188巻:呼吸の神経生物学 第1部
Respiratory Neurobiology : Physiology and Clinical Disorders, Part I (Handbook of Clinical Neurology)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 460 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780323915342
  • DDC分類 612.8

Full Description

Respiratory Neurobiology: Physiology and Clinical Disorders, Part One, Volume 188 is one of two volumes on the neurology of breathing. This volume focuses on the neurophysiology of breathing, while the second volume focuses on pathologies attributable to abnormalities of the neural control of breathing, breathing problems that may occur in neurological diseases, and the neurological complications of respiratory diseases.


1. Respiratory rhythm and pattern generation: Brainstem cellular and circuit mechanisms
2. Central respiratory chemoreception
3. Neurobiology of the carotid body
4. Adaptive cardiorespiratory changes to chronic continuous and intermittent hypoxia
5. Early development of the breathing network
6. Critical roles for breathing in the genesis and modulation of emotional states
7. Breathing during sleep
8. The physiology and pathophysiology of exercise hyperpnea
9. Regulation of breathing by cardiopulmonary afferents
10. Respiratory-cardiovascular interactions
11. Dyspnea
12. The pathophysiology of opioid-induced respiratory depression
13. The sigh and related behaviors
14. Neural control of the lower airways: Role in cough and airway inflammatory disease
15. The phrenic neuromuscular system
16. Respiratory neuroplasticity: Mechanisms and translational implications of phrenic motor plasticity