Development of Digital Libraries : An American Perspective


Development of Digital Libraries : An American Perspective

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 368 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780313314780
  • DDC分類 025.00285

Full Description

Every year, leading librarians, scholars, and administrators from the United States are invited to give papers on important library-related topics at the Kanazawa Institute of Technology's Roundtable. From 1995 to 1999, some aspect of digital library development was the theme of the symposium, and the essays in this collection are all devoted to that topic.

In these essays, some of the most innovative thinkers and practitioners discuss how digital libraries have been conceived and implemented in the United States. Insight into the policy, legal, and technical frameworks of digital libraries is given, while honest views of problems encountered in trying to integrate digital and traditional libraries are given. Finally, some of the essays explore how users are affected by digital library services.


Preface Foreword by Kakugyo S. Chiku Part I: Perspectives on the Library of the Twenty-First Century Scholarship, Information, and Libraries in the Electronic Age by Stanley Chodorow The Impact of Information Technologies on the Role of the Research Libraries in Teaching and Learning in the United States by Elaine Sloan The Life of the Mind in a World Transformed by Networks and Digital Libraries by Paul Evan Peters What's Happening to the Book? by Richard A. Lanham The Impact of Digital Technology on Libraries: A Chaotic Revolution by Jerry D. Campbell The Future Value of Digital Information and Digital Libraries by Michael Lesk Part II: Meeting the Challenges of the Digital Library The Library as Provider of Digital Resources for Teaching and Scholarship by Ann J. Wolpert Can We Afford Digital Information? Libraries? An Early Assessment of Economic Prospects for Digital Publications by Ann S. Okerson Intellectual Property for an Information Society by Peter Lyman The Uses of Digital Libraries: Some Technological, Political, and Economic Considerations by Donald J. Waters Digital Preservation: An Update by Deanna B. Marcum Impact of Digital Libraries on Library Staffing and Education by Rachael K. Anderson Government Records in a Digital World by Peter B. Hirtle A View on the Ecology of Information by Brian L. Hawkins Part III: The Digital Library in the Service of Research and Education: Some Experiences The Library of Congress's National Digital Library: Reaching Out to Schools and Libraries through the Internet by Laura Campbell Toward Libraries' Digital Future: The Canadian Digital Library Experience by Leigh Swain and Susan Haigh The Future of Libraries and Library Schools by Daniel E. Atkins Redefining the University through Educational and Information Technologies: North Carolina State University, Its Libraries, and Distance Education by Susan K. Nutter Re-engineering the Undergraduate Curriculum by Jack M. Wilson The Internet Public Library: Development and Future by Joseph W. Janes Public Libraries in the United States: Service to Business and Industry by Beverly P. Lynch Prognosis on Becoming Digital: Digital Information, Global Networks, and Business Education by William D. Walker Index