クエンティン・スミス著/言語と時間<br>Language and Time

Language and Time

  • ただいまウェブストアではご注文を受け付けておりません。 ⇒古書を探す
  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 271 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780195082272
  • DDC分類 115


New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1993. Quentin Smith offers powerful arguments against the New Theory of Reference propounded by leading thinkers in the philosophy of language.

Full Description

Quentin Smith defends a tensed theory of time, which contends that temporal determinations also include metaphysical properties of pastness, presentness and futurity. He challenges, through a careful analysis of contemporary writers, many of the leading arguments for alternative viewpoints, and concludes with an argument that the special theory of relativity is not a theory about time, but about the light-relations among physical events.
