A theology of Japan monograph<br> A Theology of Japan Monograph Series〈Vol.2〉Church and State in Japan since World War 2


A theology of Japan monograph
A Theology of Japan Monograph Series〈Vol.2〉Church and State in Japan since World War 2

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  • サイズ キガイ判/ページ数 163p/高さ 24cm
  • 商品コード 9784915832659
  • NDC分類 195.1
  • Cコード C3316


Education&Religion since World War 2(Education and Religion in Postwar Japan;A Response to “Education and Religion in Postwar Japan”;Education,Religion and Globalization:Some Remarks to Professor N.Tamaru’s Paper on “Education and Religion in Postwar Japan”)
60 Years after the War:Germany and Japan(European Integration and the Price of Peace;The Social Security Systems in Germany and Japan:Structural Similarities,Common Challenges,and Future Prospects;Economic Policy of the Two Countries―Strong Currency,Strong Economy;History Textbooks in Postwar German and Japanese Education;Religious Issues during the 60 Post‐War Years―Japan and Germany ほか)
