A theology of Japan monograph<br> The Church Embracing the Sufferers,Moving Forward―Centurial Vision for Post‐disaster Japan:Ecumenical Voices


A theology of Japan monograph
The Church Embracing the Sufferers,Moving Forward―Centurial Vision for Post‐disaster Japan:Ecumenical Voices

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  • サイズ キガイ判/ページ数 134p/高さ 24cm
  • 商品コード 9784907113094
  • NDC分類 195
  • Cコード C3316




1 Serving a Suffering Savior in“the Time of God’s Patience”
Panel Discussion(Volunteer Work Done by a Christian University:Three Questions;Earthquake Volunteer Work and the Religious Education of College Students ほか)
Workshop Report(The Church in Nuclear‐contaminated Fukushima;Nuclear Contamination in Fukushima:Current Situation and Issues ほか)
Plenary Session(Cooperation of Christians Following the Great East Japan Earthquake)
2 Salvation of the Survivors and the Dead:Hope in“the Valley of the Shadow of Death”of the Great East Japan Earthquake
