The Family in Flux in Southeast Asia―INSTITUTION,IDEOLOGY,PRACTICE


The Family in Flux in Southeast Asia―INSTITUTION,IDEOLOGY,PRACTICE

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  • サイズ A5判/ページ数 546p/高さ 23cm
  • 商品コード 9784876982226
  • NDC分類 367.3
  • Cコード C3036


Introduction The Family in Flux in Southeast Asia
1 FAMILY LAW AND RELATED DEBATES(The Concept of Family and Its Meaning in Thai History;Legal Reforms and Inheritance Disputes in Siam in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries ほか)
2 STATE POLICIES,IDEOLOGY,AND PRACTICE(Between Malay Kinship and Islamic Marriages:Negotiating Polygamy from Past to Present in Malaysia;Changing Family and Gender in Singapore ほか)
3 FAMILIES AND THE NETWORK OF RELATEDNESS IN FLUX AND FLOW(Relatedness and Reproduction in Time and Space:Three Cases of Karen across the Thai‐Burma Border;Changing Familial Relations and Practices of the Karen People in Chiang Mai,Northern Thailand ほか)