The 21st century COE program i<br> Mathematical Modeling of Mass Transport in Complex Media

The 21st century COE program i
Mathematical Modeling of Mass Transport in Complex Media

  • ただいまウェブストアではご注文を受け付けておりません。
  • サイズ B5判/ページ数 218p/高さ 27cm
  • 商品コード 9784861630798
  • NDC分類 455
  • Cコード C3353


1 Fundamentals of the Mathematical Modeling of Transport Phenomena in Complex Media(Elements of the Field Theory and Basic Balance Equations.;Fundamentals of Mass Transport Modeling in Porous Media)
2 Mathematical Models of the Specific Problems of Mass Transport in Fractured Porous Media and Their Solutions.(Mathematical Modeling of the Anomalous Diffusion;The Effect of Non‐Fickian Diffusion into Surrounding Rocks on Contaminant Transport in a Fractured Porous Aquifer;Non‐Fickian Diffusion of Contaminant from Fracture into Porous Rock Matrix with Bordering Alteration Zone)
