The 21st century COE program i<br> Dynamic Behavior of Condensed Matter from Comprehensive Views of Flow Dynamics


The 21st century COE program i
Dynamic Behavior of Condensed Matter from Comprehensive Views of Flow Dynamics

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  • サイズ B5判/ページ数 155p/高さ 27cm
  • 商品コード 9784861630101
  • NDC分類 423.8
  • Cコード C3353


1 Introduction.
2 Impact loading of solids.
3 Impact thermodynamics.
4 1‐D Equations of motion and boundary problem.
5 Characteristics and rarefaction waves. Equations of motion for body with strength.
6 Equations of motion for body with strength.
7 Hydrocodes
8 Experimental studies of the dynamic behavior of solids.
9 Experimental studies of the dynamic behavior of solids.
10 Experimental studies of ceramics.
