1 Advanced science and Mechanical engineering
2 Electrical engineering and Information engineering
3 The personal computer
4 Opto‐electronic devices
5 Reproduction:Switching of reproductive modes in planarians
6 Ohm’s law
7 Solar power generation with photovoltaic(PV) cells
8 Genome editing:A mouse with GFP
9 Mechatronics1
10 Using Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws
11 F1 aerodynamics
12 Applied chemistry:Creating instant ramen through sublimation
13 Mechatronics2
14 Information literacy
15 When “information recommendation” meets AI
16 Space junk:The problem of waste in space
17 Air pollution and control technology
18 Airbus vs.Boeing
Translations of the texts
Answers to the exercises
Vocabulary Index