Manual of Nephrology(9)

  • 電子書籍
  • ポイントキャンペーン

Manual of Nephrology(9)

  • 著者名:Lerma, Edgar V./Furgeson, Seth
  • 価格 ¥16,659 (本体¥15,145)
  • Wolters Kluwer Health(2024/09/18発売)
  • 師走の読書はお任せ!Kinoppy電子書籍・電子洋書 全点ポイント30倍キャンペーン(~12/8)
  • ポイント 4,530pt (実際に付与されるポイントはご注文内容確認画面でご確認下さい)
  • 言語:ENG
  • ISBN:9781975218911
  • eISBN:9781975218928

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Up to date and easily accessible, Manual of Nephrology, 9th Edition, edited by Drs. Edgar V. Lerma and Seth Furgeson, offers solid, practical guidance on common renal problems—causes, symptoms, treatments, and complications. Up-to-date content and images, a new full-color format, and a new editorial and author team ensure that you stay up to date with the latest scientific research and clinical recommendations on the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic kidney disease.