Fifteen Lectures on Showa Japan - Road to the Pacific War in Recent Historiography

  • 電子書籍
  • ポイントキャンペーン

Fifteen Lectures on Showa Japan - Road to the Pacific War in Recent Historiography

  • 著者名:TSUTSUI Kiyotada/NODA Makito/Paul NARUM
  • 価格 ¥2,679(本体¥2,436)
  • 出版文化産業振興財団(2016/06発売)
  • 盛夏を彩る!Kinoppy 電子書籍・電子洋書 全点ポイント30倍キャンペーン(~7/28)
  • ポイント 720pt (実際に付与されるポイントはご注文内容確認画面でご確認下さい)

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Why did Showa Japan rush to war? Where did Japan fail? This compilation of the most up-to-date studies by 15 leading Japanese historians tries to find answers to these questions. Each chapter contains a list of selected reference books with brief annotations for the benefit of readers who wish to study more about the subject. The fifteen chapters offer nuanced understanding of prewar Showa history that challenges stylized discourse about Showa Japan prevalent in recent historiography.




該当件数52件 全てにチェックを入れる/全てにチェックをはずす