中国経済学ハンドブック<br>Handbook of Chinese Economics


Handbook of Chinese Economics

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9789819904198

Full Description

This book reviews the development of Chinese economics since the reform and opening-up, associated with the history and experience of China's economic growth. This book makes a systematic study of the direction of reform, the method of reform, the path of reform, the main body of reform and the motive force of reform, accumulates more experiences that can be used for reference for the exploration of new reforms to be opened, and probes into the way of reform in the next period. The topics cover all key concepts and theories relating to the China's economic reform.


Overview.- Economic Research in China: Analysis Based on Papers Published in the Economic Research Journal.- Chapter 1  The Establishment and Development of the Socialist Market Economy Theory.- Chapter 2  The Establishment of the Theory of the Primary Stage of Socialism.- Chapter 3  The Establishment and Development of the Basic Socialist Economic System Theory.- Chapter 4  The Innovation and Development of Enterprise Theory.- Chapter 5  The Construction and Theoretical Innovation of the Socialist Market System.- Chapter 6  The Interaction of Theory with Practice in China's Price Reform.- Chapter 7   The Theory of Industrial Structure and Industrial Organization.- Chapter 8 Macroeconomic Management Theory with Chinese Characteristics.- Chapter 9  The Reform of China's Fiscal and Taxation System.- Chapter 10  Innovation and Development of China's Financial Theory.- Chapter 11  Innovation and Development of Income Distribution Theory.- Chapter 12  From "Development is the Absolute Principle", to the Scientific Outlook on Development, to the New Development Concept.- Chapter 13  The "Three Rural" Issues in China's Market-oriented Economic Reform.- Chapter 14  The Main Progress and Innovation of Regional Economic Theory Research.- Chapter 15  Exploration and Development of Natural Resource Economics.- Chapter 16  The Transformation of Mode of Economic Growth and the Structural Reform of Supply-side.- Chapter 17  The Development and Review of the Opening Up Theory.- Chapter 18  The Construction of Socialist Political Economics with Chinese characteristics.- Postscript.