言語におけるインポライトネス:権力との相互作用<br>Impoliteness in Language : Studies on its Interplay with Power in Theory and Practice (Language, Power and Social Process Vol.21)

Impoliteness in Language : Studies on its Interplay with Power in Theory and Practice (Language, Power and Social Process Vol.21)

  • ただいまウェブストアではご注文を受け付けておりません。 ⇒古書を探す
  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 340 p.
  • 商品コード 9783110202663


New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2008. Drawing on a wide range of empirical data, the volume presents a thorough discussion of impoliteness and power in language. It offers inspiration for research on impoliteness, conflict and aggression in many different academic fields of enquiry, both within linguistics and beyond.


(Short description)
Drawing on a wide range of empirical data, the volume presents a thorough discussion of impoliteness and power in language. It addresses the enormous imbalance that exists between academic interest in politeness phenomena when compared to impoliteness phenomena, and it offers inspiration for research on impoliteness, conflict and aggression in many different academic fields of enquiry, both within linguistics and beyond.
