Becoming an ICF Credentialed Coach : The Journey to ACC, PCC and MCC - Practice Insights from ICF Assessors


Becoming an ICF Credentialed Coach : The Journey to ACC, PCC and MCC - Practice Insights from ICF Assessors

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 358 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781911451327

Full Description

Becoming an ICF
Credentialed Coach aims to help professional coaches on their
journey to mastery. Whether you are an ICF coach in training, preparing for
your ACC assessment, progressing towards PCC, or getting ready for your MCC
submission, this book is essential reading. The book includes for the first
time the ICF BARS and Markers used by ICF assessors in marking ICF ACC, PCC and
MCC submissions, along with coach assessors' guidance on how coaches can
demonstrate these competencies in their coaching recordings. With contributions
from some of the world's most experienced assessors, our experts share their
insights and expertise, helping you on your journey of development, unpicking
the ICF Coach Competencies to give you practical insights to improve your
coaching and become the best coach in service of your clients.