人権の拡大:21世紀の規範とガバナンス<br>Expanding Human Rights : 21st Century Norms and Governance (Elgar Studies in Human Rights)


Expanding Human Rights : 21st Century Norms and Governance (Elgar Studies in Human Rights)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 296 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781785368837
  • DDC分類 323.09051

Full Description

This multi-disciplinary book addresses the ever-expanding notion of human rights within the 21st century. By analyzing the global dynamics of the mobilization of new actors, claims, institutions and modes of accountability, Brysk and Stohl assess the potential and limitations of global reforms.

Expanding Human Rights gives a comprehensive overview of current human rights issues and the outlook for the future. The contributors present evidence of new methods for enforcing existing rights and new strategies for further development through in-depth analysis of campaigns and reforms from Eastern Europe, Japan, India, Africa and the US. These include rights of indigenous peoples, food and water rights, violence against women, child mortality and international financial and corporate responsibility.

This book will interest academics and advanced students in human rights, international affairs, political science and law. Policy makers and global human rights activists will find the analyses and insights concerning the expansion of rights and the often accompanying backlash to be of great use when approaching their next human rights campaign.

Contributors include: J. Alley, C. Apodaca, P. Ayoub, M. Baer, A. Brysk, S. Hertel, R. Howard-Hassmann, V. Hudson, F.G. Isa, H. Jo, W. Sandholtz, C. Stohl, M. Stohl, K. Tsutsui



PART I Introduction
1. Expanding Human Rights
Alison Brysk

PART II Expanding Actors
2. A Struggle for Recognition and Rights: Expanding LGBT Activism
Philip M. Ayoub

3. How Do Global Human Rights Expand? A Case of Japan's Burakumin Going Global
Kiyoteru Tsutsui

4. Indigenous Peoples: From Objects Of Protection To Subjects Of Rights
Felipe Gómez Isa

PART III Expanding Claims
5. Expanding Rights: New Frames For Violence Against Women
Alison Brysk

6. The Human Right to Water and Sanitation: Champions and Challengers in the Fight for New Rights Acceptance
Madeline Baer

7. Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility
Michael Stohl and Cynthia Stohl

PART IV Expanding Mechanisms
8. Forging Alternative Routes to Norms Change: Economic Rights Protagonists
Shareen Hertel

9. Expanding Rights: Norm Innovation in the European and Inter-American Courts
Wayne Sandholtz

10. Feminist Foreign Policy as State-Led Expansion of Human Rights
Valerie M. Hudson

PART V Expanding Responsibilities
11. Janus-faced: Rebel Groups and Human Rights Responsibility
Hyeran Jo and Joshua Alley

12. Expanding Responsibilities: The Consequences of World Bank and IMF Policies on Child Welfare
Clair Apodaca

13. Human Rights Contraction: Sovereignty and Denial of the Right to Food
Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann

PART VI Conclusion
14. Conclusions on Norms, Institutions and Processes
Michael Stohl
