戦後日本における占領と身体:冷戦期とポスト冷戦期のパフォーマンス文化<br>Cultural Responses to Occupation in Japan : The Performing Body during and after the Cold War (War, Culture and Society)


Cultural Responses to Occupation in Japan : The Performing Body during and after the Cold War (War, Culture and Society)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 280 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781780935966
  • DDC分類 952.04

Full Description

Cultural Responses to Occupation in Japan examines how the performing arts, and the performing body specifically, have shaped and been shaped by the political and historical conditions experienced in Japan during the Cold War and post-Cold War periods. This study of original and secondary materials from the fields of theatre, dance, performance art, film and poetry, probes the interrelationship that exists between the body and the nation-state. Important artistic works, such as Ankoku Butoh (dance of darkness) and its subsequent re-interpretation by a leading political performance company Gekidan Kaitaisha (theatre of deconstruction), are analysed using ethnographic, historical and theoretical modes. This approach reveals the nuanced and prolonged effects of military, cultural and political occupation in Japan over a duration of dramatic change.

Cultural Responses to Occupation in Japan explores issues of discrimination, marginality, trauma, memory and the mediation of history in a ground-breaking work that will be of great significance to anyone interested in the symbiosis of culture and conflict.


1. An Outline of Japan's Modern Nation-State Formation
2. Occupied Bodies: Aesthetic Responses in New Japan
3. The Performing Body in a Bicephalous State: Ankoku Butoh in Context
4. An Aesthetic Analysis of Ankoku Butoh
5. The Politics of Form in Post-Ankoku Butoh: (Not) A Dance of the Nation State
6. Gekidan Kaitaisha: Growing the Seeds of Butoh
7. Kaitaisha in Social Context: Otaku and Military-Media-Technologies
8. Occupied bodies in the Twenty-First Century: Continuing the Butoh Legacy