Holocaust Cinema Complete : A History and Analysis of 400 Films, with a Teaching Guide


Holocaust Cinema Complete : A History and Analysis of 400 Films, with a Teaching Guide

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 488 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781476684161
  • DDC分類 791.43658405318

Full Description

Holocaust movies have become an important segment of world cinema and the de-facto Holocaust education for many. One quarter of all American-produced Holocaust-related feature films have won or been nominated for at least one Oscar. In fact, from 1945 through 1991, half of all American Holocaust features were nominated. Yet most Holocaust movies have fallen through the cracks and few have been commercially successful. This book explores these trends—and many others—with a comprehensive guide to hundreds of films and made-for-television movies.

From Anne Frank to Schindler's List to Jojo Rabbit, more than 400 films are examined from a range of perspectives--historical, chronological, thematic, sociological, geographical and individual. The filmmakers are contextualized, including Charlie Chaplin, Sidney Lumet, Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino and Roman Polanski. Recommendations and reviews of the 50 best Holocaust films are included, along with an educational guide, a detailed listing of all films covered and a four-part index-glossary.


Foreword by Tim Blake Nelson
Foreword by Walter Reich
Foreword by Michael Berenbaum and Edward Jacobs
Foreword by David Zucker
Author's Preface and Introduction
1. Narrative Holocaust Film Basics
Defining Narrative Film  13
Defining Holocaust Film  15
Creating a Definitive Holocaust Film List  16
Grouping Holocaust Films: The "4+1 Genre" System  19
­Non-Holocaust Films: Shorts, Television Episodes, Documentaries and Miniseries  28
2. Stats and Eras
Holocaust Film Stats  32
Four Eras of Holocaust Film  43
3. Surprising Holocaust Film Traits
Fiction vs. ­Non-Fiction  55
­Non-American Holocaust Film Production  60
American Guilt  70
God, the Holocaust and Holocaust Exploitation  73
4. The Unavoidables: Elie Wiesel, Anne Frank, Oskar Schindler and Oscar Bait
Elie Wiesel: The Elephant in the Room  79
Anne Frank: A Microcosm of Holocaust Film  83
The Black Hole of Holocaust Films: Schindler's List (1993) & Friends  96
Oscar Bait  107
5. A Practical History of Holocaust Filmmaking in Hollywood
6. The Greatest Narrative Holocaust Film Ever Made
7. Roman Polanski and The Pianist (2002)
8. Holocaust Film Curriculum Planning: The "SOFTA" System
Students  158
Objectives  165
­Follow-Up  168
Time  173
Administrative  175
Summary  176
9. Recommended Holocaust Films
The 52 Best Holocaust Films  181
The Very Best Holocaust Films  275
Epilogue: Eva.Stories and Holocaust Film Trends
Appendix I: List of Holocaust Films
Appendix II: ­Non-Holocaust Films Often Miscategorized as Holocaust Films
Chapter Notes
