生きている言語:言語人類学入門(第2版)<br>Living Language : An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (Blackwell Primers in Anthropology) (2ND)


Living Language : An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (Blackwell Primers in Anthropology) (2ND)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 369 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781119060604
  • DDC分類 306.44

Full Description

Revised and updated, the 2nd Edition of Living Languageto Linguistic Anthropology presents an accessible introduction to the study of language in real-life social contexts around the world through the contemporary theory and practice of linguistic anthropology. * Presents a highly accessible introduction to the study of language in real-life social contexts around the world * Combines classic studies on language and cutting-edge contemporary scholarship and assumes no prior knowledge in linguistics or anthropology * Features a series of updates and revisions for this new edition, including an all-new chapter on forms of nonverbal language * Provides a unifying synthesis of current research and considers future directions for the field


List of Figures vii List of Tables ix Preface xi Acknowledgments xvii Part I Language: Some Basic Questions 1 1 The Socially Charged Life of Language 3 2 Gestures, Sign Languages, and Multimodality 33 3 The Research Process in Linguistic Anthropology 52 4 Language Acquisition and Socialization 69 5 Language, Thought, and Culture 87 Part II Communities of Speakers, Hearers, Readers, and Writers 117 6 Communities of Language Users 119 7 Multilingualism and Globalization 136 8 Literacy Practices 156 9 Performance, Performativity, and the Constitution of Communities 176 Part III Language, Power, and Social Differentiation 201 10 Language and Gender 203 11 Language, Race, and Ethnicity 230 12 Language Death and Revitalization 255 13 Conclusion: Language, Power, and Agency 273 Notes 305 References 321 Index 355
