Beaches of O'ahu (Latitude 20 Book) (2ND)


Beaches of O'ahu (Latitude 20 Book) (2ND)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 200 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780824828929
  • DDC分類 919.6930442

Full Description

Now completely revised and updated, this edition of Beaches of O'ahu offers sixty new color photos of the island's spectacular beaches and coastline by photographer Mike Waggoner, a water safety section, and 22 newly drawn maps locating more than 130 beaches and shoreline parks. The beach descriptions and maps include many of the island's popular surfing sites. All beaches, known and relatively unknown, are listed with their physical characteristics, recreational uses, historic and cultural significance, and any dangers that beach-goers may encounter. Each beach is identified by its official and unofficial, or popular, name (if any) used by residents. When available, the author has added brief histories of beaches as handed down through the native Hawaiian oral tradition and related Hawaiian chants and verses.