Poetry and Jacobite Politics in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-century English Literature and Thought)


Poetry and Jacobite Politics in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-century English Literature and Thought)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 272 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780521410922
  • DDC分類 820.9005

Full Description

The aim of this book is to question assumptions about the nature of the Augustan era through an exploration of Jacobite ideology. Taking as its starting point the fundamental ambivalence of the Augustan concept the author studies canonical and non-canonical literature and uncovers the 'four nations' literary history of the period defined in terms of a struggle for control of the language of authority between Jacobite and Hanoverian writers. This struggle is seen to have crystallized Irish and Scottish opposition to the British state. The Jacobite cause generated powerful popular literature and the sources explored include ballads, broadsides and writing in Scots, Irish, Welsh and Gaelic. The author concludes that the literary history we inherit is built on the political outcome of the Revolution of 1688.


Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1. Invasion and xenophobia; 2. The wee, wee German lairdie; 3. The codes of the canon; 4. Jacobite political culture in Scotland; 5. Jacobite culture in Ireland and Wales; 6. The demon's light; 7. The tartan curtain; Additional works; Index.