『ウェクスラー家の選択―遺伝子診断と向き合った家族』(原書)<br>Mapping Fate


Mapping Fate

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 319 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780520207417
  • DDC分類 599.935


日本語訳、新潮社、2003年刊。母が不治の遺伝性疾患、ハンチントン病であると判明したウェクスラー家の人々の、苦悩と希望と勇気を当事者自らが語った類いまれな1冊。― 読売新聞書評
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1996 (out of print).

Full Description

In "Mapping Fate", Alice Wexler tells the story of a family at risk for a hereditary, incurable, fatal disorder: Huntington's disease, once called Huntington's chorea. That her mother died of the disease, that her own chance of inheriting it was fifty-fifty, that her sister and father directed much of the extraordinary biomedical research to find the gene and a cure, make Wexler's story both astonishingly intimate and scientifically compelling. Alice Wexler's graceful and eloquent account goes beyond the specifics of Huntington's disease to explore the dynamics of family secrets, of living at risk, and the drama and limits of biomedical research. "Mapping Fate" will be a touchstone for anyone with questions about genetic illness and the possibilities and perils of genetic testing.