ラウトレッジ版 言語規範主義ハンドブック<br>The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Prescriptivism (Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics)

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ラウトレッジ版 言語規範主義ハンドブック
The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Prescriptivism (Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 490 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780367557843
  • DDC分類 415

Full Description

This Handbook provides a comprehensive and cutting-edge overview of the field of linguistic prescriptivism. Mapping the current status quo of the field and marking its two-decade transformation into a serious field of study within linguistics, this volume addresses both the value and the methods of studying prescriptivism. It covers:

• Theoretical and methodological approaches - from historical to experimental approaches and including corpus-based methods and attitudes research;

• Contexts in which prescriptive efforts can be both observed and studied - including education, technology, the media, language planning and policies, and everyday grassroots practices;

• Geographical contexts of prescriptivism - featuring chapters on inner- and outer-circle Englishes, English as a Lingua Franca, as well as prescriptivism in the context of other world languages including minority and endangered languages.

With contributions from an international line-up of leading and rising-star scholars in the field, The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Prescriptivism marks the evolution of linguistics as a fully self- aware discipline and will be an indispensable guide for students and researchers in this area.



List of illustrations

List of contributors


Linguistic Prescriptivism: an evolving field.

Joan C. Beal, Morana Lukač and Robin Straaijer


Theoretical and methodological issues

Edited by Joan C. Beal

1 Why grammars have to be normative - and prescriptivists have to be scientific

Geoffrey K. Pullum

2 Verbal hygiene

Deborah Cameron

3 Accent bias

Dominic Watt, Erez Levon and Christian Ilbury

4 Historiographical methods

Nuria Yáñez-Bouza

5 Corpus-based approaches to prescriptivism

Benedikt Szmrecsanyi and Dieuwertje Bloemen

6 Prescription and normativity in the evolution of inner-circle Englishes

Pam Peters

7 The role of prescriptivism in the emergence of New Englishes

Edgar W. Schneider

8 Prescriptivism and national identity

Stefan Dollinger

9 Standards with pluricentric languages

Raymond Hickey


Contexts and practices of prescriptivism

Edited by Robin Straaijer

10 Usage guides as a text type

Ingrid Teken-Boon van Ostade

11 English prescriptivism in higher education contexts: focus on Nordic countries

Elizabeth Petersen and Marika Hall

12 Prescriptivism in education: from language ideologies to listening practices

Ian Cushing and Julia Snell

13 Linguistic prescriptivism as social prescription: the case of gender

Evan D. Bradley

14 Grassroots prescriptivism

Morana Lukač and Theresa Heyd

15. Prescription and taboo: Australia's sensitivity towards American influence

Kate Burridge

16 Copy editors, (not) all alike

Morana Lukač and Adrian Stenton


Prescriptivism across languages and cultures

Edited by Morana Lukač

17 Standard language ideology and prescriptivism in the Arabic-speaking world

Andreas Hallberg

18 Prescriptive language ideologies in Modern Hebrew

Roey Gafter and Uri Mor

19 A socio-political and historical perspective of linguistic prescriptivism in relation to African languages of South Africa

Russell H Kaschula, Sebolelo Mokapela, Dion Nkomo, and Bulelwa Nosilela

20 Prescriptivism in Greater China: Historical trajectories and contemporary pluricentricity Henning Klöter

21 Prescriptivism and the English language in Southeast Asia

Lionel Wee and Nora Samosir

22 Literary norms in Russia: Past and present

Arto Mustajoki

23 Prescriptivism in Croatia

Anđel Starčević, Mate Kapović, and Daliborka Sarić

24 Prescriptivism and diglossia: How acceptable is normalized Breton to native speakers? Gary German

25 Metaphor as a manifestation of prescriptivism: The case of France and Quebec

Olivia Walsh and Emma Humphries

26 Dutch prescriptivism in a historical-sociolinguistic perspective: Measuring the effect of institutionalized prescriptivism

Eline Lismont, Rik Vosters, and Gijsbert Rutten


David Crystal
