ショーター・オックスフォード精神医学テキスト(第6版)<br>Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry (6TH)


Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry (6TH)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 832 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780199605613
  • DDC分類 616.89


Provides an introduction to all the clinical topics required by the trainee psychiatrist, including all the sub-specialities and major psychiatric conditions. Prev. ed.: 2006.

Full Description

Widely recognised as the standard text for trainee psychiatrists, the Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry stands head and shoulders above the competition. The text has been honed over five editions and displays a fluency, authority and insight which is not only rarely found but makes the process of assimilating information as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

The book provides an introduction to all the clinical topics required by the trainee psychiatrist, including all the sub-specialties and major psychiatric conditions. Throughout, the authors emphasize the basic clinical skills required for the full assessment and understanding of the patient. Discussion of treatment includes not only scientific evidence, but also practical problems in the management of patients their family and social context. The text emphasizes an evidence-based approach to
practice and gives full attention to ethical and legal issues. Introductory chapters focus on recognition of signs and symptoms, classification and diagnosis, psychiatric assessment, and aetiology. Further chapters deal with all the the major psychiatric syndromes as well as providing detailed
coverage of pharmacological and psychological treatments. The book gives equal prominence to ICD and DSM classification - often with direct comparisons - giving the book a universal appeal.

The Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry remains the most up-to-date secondary level textbook of psychiatry available, with the new edition boasting a new modern design and greater use of summary boxes, tables, and lists than ever before. The extensive bibliography has been brought up-to-date and there are targeted reading lists for each chapter. The Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry fulfils all the study and revision needs of psychiatric trainees, but will also prove
useful to medical students, GPs, qualified psychiatrists, and those in related fields who need to be kept informed with current psychiatric practice.


1. Signs and symptoms of psychiatric disorders ; 2. Classification ; 3. Assessment ; 4. Ethics and civil law ; 5. Aetiology ; 6. Evidence-based approaches to psychiatry ; 7. Personality and personality disorder ; 8. Reactions to stressful experiences ; 9. Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders ; 10. Mood disorders ; 11. Schizophrenia ; 12. Paranoid symptoms and syndromes ; 13. Dementia, delirium and other neuropsychiatric disorders ; 14. Eating, sleep and sexual disorders ; 15. Psychiatry and medicine ; 16. Suicide and deliberate self-harm ; 17. Alcohol and drugs ; 18. Psychiatry of the elderly ; 19. Drugs and other physical treatments ; 20. Psychological treatments ; 21. Psychiatric services ; 22. Child psychiatry ; 23. Learning disability (mental retardation) ; 24. Forensic psychiatry
