英文版 昭和史講義―最新研究で見る戦争への道


英文版 昭和史講義―最新研究で見る戦争への道

  • 提携先に2冊在庫がございます。(2024年07月28日 00時31分現在)
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  • ●店舗受取サービス(送料無料)もご利用いただけます。
  • サイズ A5判/ページ数 300p/高さ 23cm
  • 商品コード 9784866580500
  • Cコード C0021


The Washington Treaty System and Shidehara Diplomacy
Enactment of the General Election Law and the Beginning of Democratic Politics
From the Northern Expeditions to the Assassination of Zhang Zuolin
London Naval Conference,Imperial Court,Political Parties,and the Imperial Japanese Navy
From the Manchurian Incident to Japan’s Withdrawal from the League of Nations
The Emperor‐as‐Organ Theory Incident
February 26 Incident and the Ultranationalist Movement in the Showa Era
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident:From the Signing of the Tanggu Truce to the Failure of the Trautmann Mediation Attempt
The Deepening Quagmire of the Sino‐Japanese War and the Declaration of a New Order in East Asia
The Nomonhan Incident and the Japanese‐Soviet Neutrality Pact〔ほか〕