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『読売新聞』の朝刊1面に毎日掲載されている人気のコラム「編集手帳」。その英訳版は、『読売新聞』の英字紙であるThe Japan News に連載されています。2014?2017年の連載から79回分をセレクトし、1冊にまとめたのが本書です。

(01) January 7 “Life” has “if ” in it...
(02) March 12 We do not choose when to die...
(03) April 4 Islanders called him “the man who makes...
(04) June 7 Everybody has a side...
(05) July 19 Soviet dictator Josef Stalin...
(06) July 24 One day, a fish merchant...
(07) September 20 Middle school student “I” went to...
(08) October 22 A short story titled...
(09) November 1 Novelist Soseki Natsume vomited blood...
(10) December 16 An amusing anecdote about shogi master...
(11) December 17 Naoko Kudo wrote a poem...
(12) January 8 Malaga, a resort in Spain...
(13) January 30 Yasuji Toita, a Tokyo-born theater critic...
(14) March 20 Several years ago, she was invited...
(15) April 2 Norizo Matsuuchi, a sportscaster...
(16) April 7 He felt as if his inflated ego...
(17) April 19 A baby lion sleeps peacefully...
(18) May 1 In one scene, Nepalese boys are singing...
(19) May 9 It is said that physicist and essayist...
(20) June 11 “Chu-san” is the nickname of a burglar...
(21) June 17 The musical instrument called double bass...
(22) August 31 In a chorus of cicadas at dusk...
(23) September 30 It was in an obituary...
(24) October 7 There was a man called Genmu Endo...
(25) October 27 There was one book...
(26) November 14 Japan’s first recorded diabetic patient...
(27) November 19 According to a joke...
(28) November 28 In a crowded train...
(29) December 5 What if the passage of time...
(30) December 9 Quite a lot of people talk to themselves...
(31) January 5 Why can camels live in the desert...
(32) January 16 Hiroshi Yoshino once wrote a poem...
(33) January 21 The boy was left to someone’s care...
(34) February 23 Writer Hyakken Uchida treasured...
(35) March 8 Fortune-teller: “You must have...
(36) March 19 Sandwiches. Ham and eggs. Toast...
(37) April 7 Among the pirates who wreaked havoc...
(38) April 28 From whom do people draw bodily warmth...
(39) May 7 The heaviest president in U.S. history...
(40) May 24 A teacher was visited by the mother...
(41) June 6 In 1987, this newspaper ran a story...
(42) June 25 The words spoken on the eve of the outbreak...
(43) July 28 A television at my workplace was airing...
(44) August 13 Best-selling American author Stephen King...
(45) August 30 Of all the balls a pitcher may throw...
(46) September 8 Writer Jun Takami walked in the Ginza...
(47) October 12 I recall lines written by the poet...
(48) October 22 The leaves change their colors and...
(49) October 27 In the fairy tale “Momo,”...
(50) November 9 The world is full of people with...
(51) November 22 A husband who works at...
(52) December 3 “TV disease” is a term...
(53) December 6 Exactly 87 centimeters...
(54) December 17 This conversation took place in a restaurant...
(55) December 22 Someone once asked former Prime Minister...
(56) January 1 She was probably in kindergarten...
(57) January 6 A hina doll with a loose head...
(58) February 1 I can imagine it happening...
(59) February 25 When it comes to an intentional walk...
(60) March 2 Painter Ikuo Hirayama survived...
(61) March 8 A homestead family is seen going to...
(62) March 16 There apparently is a beautiful Japanese word...
(63) April 1 Kabuki actor Onoe Kikugoro VI...
(64) April 5 It was at the age of 13...
(65) April 21 Novelist Koyo Ozaki bought...
(66) May 16 It was in October 2001...
(67) May 24 A city office section chief...
(68) June 7 Tanka poet Utsubo Kubota wandered...
(69) June 15 Masumi Muramatsu, known as a pioneer...
(70) June 28 Legendary Hanshin Tigers ace pitcher...
(71) July 8 Torahiko Terada looked into a mirror...
(72) July 13 Japanese philologist Haruhiko Kindaichi...
(73) July 19 On the opening page of his novel...
(74) July 27 When Donald Keene...
(75) August 16 Nike, the Greek goddess of victory...
(76) September 2 The Koyo Gunkan...
(77) September 3 Automobiles are said to have entered...
(78) September 19 Commodore Matthew Perry...
(79) September 27 Saladin was a hero of the Islamic world...


The Japan News[ジャパン ニューズ]




2014(January 7 “Life”has“if”in it…;March 12 We do not choose when to die… ほか)
2015(January 8 Malaga,a resort in Spain…;January 30 Yasuji Toita,a Tokyo‐born theater critic… ほか)
2016(January 5 Why can camels live in the desert…;January 16 Hiroshi Yoshino once wrote a poem… ほか)
2017(January 1 She was probably in kindergarten…;January 6 A hina doll with a loose head… ほか)