Mass-Action Law Dynamics Theory and Algorithm for Translational and Precision  Medicine Informatics

  • 電子書籍

Mass-Action Law Dynamics Theory and Algorithm for Translational and Precision Medicine Informatics

  • 著者名:Chou, Ting-Chao
  • 価格 ¥31,185 (本体¥28,350)
  • Academic Press(2024/04/09発売)
  • ポイント 283pt (実際に付与されるポイントはご注文内容確認画面でご確認下さい)
  • 言語:ENG
  • ISBN:9780443288746
  • eISBN:9780443288753

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"Mass-Action Law Dynamics Theory and Algorithm for Translational and Precision Medicine Informatics provides a comprehensive overview and update of the mass-action law-based unified dose-effect biodynamics, pharmacodynamics, bioinformatics, and the combination index theorem for synergy definition (MAL-BD/PD/BI/CI). Contents advocate the fundamental MAL-PD/BI/CI/BI principle for biomedical R&D, clinical trials protocol design computerized data analysis, illustrates the MAL-dynamics theory with sample analysis, and includes data entry and automated computer report print-outs. In 11 sections "Mass-Action Law Dynamics Theory and Algorithm for Translational and Precision Medicine Informatics leads the reader from an introduction and overview, to trial protocols and MAL-PD/CI approach for biomedical R&D in vitro and in animals. It describes the current Landscape of International FDA Drug Evaluation, Clinical Pharmacology, and Clinical Trials Guidance. This is a valuable resource for biomedical researchers, healthcare professionals, and students seeking to harness the power of data informatics in precision medicine.• gives insight into that index equation (DRIE) that digitally determines how many folds of dose-reduction is needed for each drug in synergistic combinations • provides a comprehensive overview and update of mass-action law-based unified bioinformatics, dose effect biodynamics, pharmacodynamics, and the combination index theorem for synergy definition (MAL-BD/PD/BI/CI) • describes how the MAL theory/algorithm-based "Top-Down digital approach is the opposite and yet is a complementary alternative to the observation/statistics-based "Bottom-Up traditional approach in R&D

Table of Contents

1. A new alternative concept for cost-effective R&D: The MALdynamics/algorithms/digital informatics2. General dynamics principle for experimental design of all dose-effect analysis and computer simulation3. MAL-PD/CI approach for biomedical R&D in vitro and in animals4. Implementation for MAL-PD Econo-Green R&D5. Digital R&D approach to international FDA drug evaluation, clinical pharmacology, and clinical trial guidance6. The epothilone story: Experimental success and clinical failure7. MAL-PD Advocacy: Public hearing, public comments and scientific recommendations8. Consensus for international FDAs on definitions of "MAL-PD" and "Synergism"9. Historical, philosophical, and mathematical analysis: Why the MAL-PD approach and the traditional approach are opposite yet complementary10. Multidisciplinary examples of applications: Papers using the MAL-PD/BD/CI/BI theory/method11. Concluding remarks